Product Description
1 natural tumbled SunStone.
This crystal is a form of aventurine and holds within it the light and glow of the
morning sun. It has the ability to warm the heart and rejuvenate health on multiple
levels. Sunstone helps the body to heal itself and can help remove the barbs from
negative energy or psychic attack that may have been stubborn to remove. For
those prone to procrastination, Sunstone can help you go overcome it and help
propel you forward. This crystal is especially good for those who suffer from
seasonal affective disorder or SAD, lessens arthritic pain and supports the digestive
Sunstone affects the Sacral, Solar Plexus and Heart chakras. When used in
the laying on of stones, this crystal placed upon the Solar Plexus and Sacral
chakras can help draw out and remove repressed emotional issues.
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