LOVE AND LIGHT YULE BLESSINGS! Celebrate the 12 days of Yule. Create a yule altar

Posted by The Wizard's Hat on Dec 20th 2024

LOVE AND LIGHT YULE BLESSINGS! Celebrate the 12 days of Yule. Create a yule altar


Celebrate the 12 days of Yule. 

Create a yule altar 

Create your Altar using pinecones, crystals, pine greens, sage, berries, talisman, ornaments, and any other symbolic item you choose. 

You will need 14 chime candles, 3 for the first day and 1 for each day of yule or several regular candles. If using chime candles, you will need 1 black, 10 white, 2 green, 1 gold or silver, You could use all white or an assortment of colors if you choose, as long as you have white (to bring in the light); green (for prosperity and health); gold or silver (for the god or goddess). 

Holiday incense include Frankincense; cinnamon; myrrh; orange; or apple. 

Also Sage; lavender; or dragons blood can be used as these are powerful for any occasion. Pieces of parchment to write prayers on, which you will burn using the candles of the day. 

Build your Altar, it can include a decorated tree, wreath, yule log, and set up with at least three candles. 

If using Chimes, use a black, green and gold or silver candle. 

Light the first candle, (the black candle), and say: Tonight is the night of the Solstice, the longest night of the year. As the Wheel turns once more, I know that tomorrow, the Sun will begin its journey back to us. With it, new life will begin, a blessing from Earth to her children. 

Light the second candle (white candle) and say: It is the season of the winter goddess. Tonight I celebrate the festival of the winter solstice, the rebirth of the Sun, and the return of light to the Earth. As the Wheel of the Year turns once more, I honor the eternal cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. 

Light the remaining candle (Gold or silver) on the altar at this time, and if you have decorative holiday lighting, turn it on. Return to your place at the altar, and face the holiday tree or Yule log. Raise your arms up to the tree or your alter and say: Today I honor the goddess of the forest, the Mother of nature, who rules the season. I give my thanks to the beautiful goddess, whose blessings bring new life to the earth. This gift I offer you tonight, sending my prayers to you upon the air. 

Light your incense off the candles, and if you'd like to make an offering of food, bread, or something else, do so now. 

Put out seed and fruit, berries or veggies as offerings to the creatures in need. As the smoke of the incense rises to the night sky, meditate on what changes you'd like to see before the next Sabbat. Reflect upon the time of the season. Although winter is here, life lies dormant beneath the soil. What new things will you bring to fruition for yourself when the planting season returns? How will you change yourself, and maintain your spirit throughout the cold months? 

This is also the time to say special prayers for those who are in need and to reflect upon all those who are without. Time to pray for all of natures animals that are lost, lonely, hungry and without, and pray to the gods and goddess for them all. 

Now is also the time to smudge, light your sage smudge from the candles and perform a home and personal smudging. Use the prayer attached for smudging. Leave the chimes burn out on their own, if using regular candles blow out once the incense burns out or anytime after the incense is finished and you have completed your smudging. Love and light. 

Tomorrow, burn one green chime to pray for health and prosperity, burn with incense and add an additional offering.

Light and burn a candle for every day of Yule, reflect and repeat a few of the prayers above, pray for health and protection. 

On the last day of Yule, you will smudge again and invite the light into your home and heart.