Posted by The Wizard's Hat on Dec 30th 2024
On the 10th day of Yule!
On the 10th day of Yule!
Standing in front of your Altar, Light a white candle and from it a Myrrh, Vanilla or Peppermint incense. Inhale the incense in and recite the prayer for the New Moon.
Since we are on the start of the New moon, recite this prayer:
The New Moon is a great time to cleanse and consecrate your altar tools, crystals, magickal jewelry etc. Here is a ritual that I like for doing that. I have had this ritual for a long time and don’t know where I got it from….Of course where it says (Tool), you will say what it is you are consecrating such as wand, athame, crystal, candle etc.
Gather supplies needed and tools to be consecrated:
South/Fire…A white candle
West/Water…A chalice of water
North/Earth…A small bowl of salt
If your tradition requires you to cast a circle, do so now. Light the candle and the incense. Take the tool or other items you wish to consecrate in your hands, and face north. Pass it over the salt and say:
Powers of the North, Guardians of the Earth,
I consecrate this (tool) and charge it with your energies.
I purify it this night, and make this tool sacred.
Now, turn to the east and, holding the tool in the smoke of the incense, say:
Powers of the East, Guardians of the Air,
I consecrate this (tool) and charge it with your energies.
I purify it this night, and make this tool sacred.
Next, face the south and pass the tool over the flame of the candle and speak the words:
Powers of the South, Guardians of Fire,
I consecrate this (tool) and charge it with your energies.
I purify it this night, and make this tool sacred.
Finally, turn to the west, and pass your ritual tool over the cup of water. Say:
Powers of the West, Guardians of Water,
I consecrate this (tool) and charge it with your energies.
I purify it this night, and make this tool sacred.
Face your altar, hold the (tool) to the sky, and speak the words:
I charge this (tool) in the name of Old Ones,
the Ancients, the Sun and the Moon and the Stars.
By the powers of the Earth, of Air, of Fire and of Water
I banish the energies of any previous owners,
and make it new and fresh.
I consecrate this wand,
and it is mine.
So Mote It Be! (or if you are not wiccan, you can use " And so it is")
Now you’ve not only consecrated the tool, you’ve claimed ownership.
Crystals: Moonstone, Black Tourmaline, Amethyst, and Lapis Lazuli
Incense Flavors to use can be: Dragons Blood, Sage, Myrrh, Vanilla, Peppermint, and Frankincense
Candle: white candle
Chalice of water
A small bowl of salt