Sapphire stone/crystal - Raw (untumbled) 20 carats
The Wizard's HatSapphire stone/crystal - Raw (untumbled).
20 carats - (example would be a few of the small stones from stock image)
Sapphire– Assists in healing all parts of the body and soothes insomnia. Used externally or as an elixir, Sapphire water is considered a good purifier and should be used as the seasons change. Long used as a curative for eye infections and improving eyesight, Blue Sapphire is also used to relieve headaches, fever, nosebleeds, and issues of the ears, including hearing, infection, inner-ear imbalances and vertigo.Blue Sapphire is beneficial to the thyroid, swollen glands and in treating problems related to speech and communication. It is also considered helpful to the nervous system, and in treating blood disorders, dementia, and degenerative diseases. insight, inspiration, intuition, peace, spirituality, wisdom, cheerfulness, centering, grounding energy, protection. .
CHAKRA #5th & 6th
Stimulates Throat & Third Eye chakra
Brings the person back to the present moment of life. Communication center, expression, divine guidance. One will be able to detach themselves from materialistic items of the world and received guidance from within.
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