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1 Carnelian stone/crystal - Tumbled

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1 Carnelian stone/crystal - Tumbled stone

Product Description

1 natural tumbled Carnelian.

CARNELIAN – A variety of Chalcedony.  


Color: Red /orange

Also a crystal used to open the 2nd Chakra (Naval/ Svadhishthana) Sexual

Astrological Signs: Aries, Taurus, Cancer & Leo

Aries Stone:  April

Hardness:  7

Vibrates to the numbers 5 and 6

Element: Fire



-A stone of ambition and drive, Carnelian is an excellent career stone, very helpful in making choices and decisions. The motivator, carnelian is often used for focusing, realization and self-actualization, reminding its bearer to be "in the moment". It is the most powerful action stone, helps you concentrate and stay focused. Improves ones confidence and self worth. A protection stone.

Carnelian stimulates analytical capabilities and precision. It activates and energizes your personal power, revealing or discovering hidden talents by stimulating your curiosity and inquisitiveness.

This is a wonderful crystal and aids in gaining confidence, strength, precision, ability to analyze, and helps to restore appetite. Focus on creative energies. A balanced energy will result in being open to others and caring for others without expectations.   

Typically known for: Creativity, healing, sexuality and reproduction, desire, emotion, intuition, repels fear, brings contentment

Very powerful when combined with Citrine, TURQUOISE and LAPIS LAZULI

A beneficial health stone, Carnelian is also known for cleaning the blood, stimulates appetite, physical energy, vitamin and mineral absorption, asthma, sexuality, passion, relieves cramps, allergies and lower  back pain. 

The stones themselves come in a range of sizes, from 1/2" to 1 1/2" in length. 

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